We at COBS have always known – and embraced – that true discovery comes with its share of challenges. It’s what we’re built upon. And while we find ourselves in this unprecedented time when outdoor organizations are actually encouraging people to stay inside or close to home, we’re finding heartwarming evidence that in times of challenge, people rise in extraordinary ways. We’ve been loving the creative ways people are using this time in isolation. Here are some of our favorites:
Working from Home Tips and Resources
We know that this is much easier said than done, especially with small children and eager pets running around, but we’re all doing our best, right?
Tips for working from home with kids.
8 Tips to Make Working from Home Work for You.
Get Outside and Get Moving
“Take care of yourselves and take care of each other” is a common saying at the Colorado Outward Bound School. Getting outside — even if it’s just beyond your front door — can help you get over the cooped-up feeling from working and living in tight quarters.
Make time every day to breath, move, and get outside, while still honoring the rules of “stay at home” orders. Our dear friends at Get Outdoors Leadville are posting some great ideas on their Facebook page.
The Children and Nature Network also has some great ideas, both inside and outside, to inspire a passion for adventure and reconnect with nature.
Runners World’s Tips for Running Safely Amid Coronavirus Concerns.
Goals to aspire to as a family: 1,000 Hours Outside!
Parenting strategies from Generation Wild for getting your kids outside.
There are so many apps that provide online workouts, even with little to no equipment. Try the Sweat app, Nike Training Club, or see if your local gym is posting content online. (Shred415, for example, is doing Instagram live workouts).
Yoga: Glo (15 day free trial)
Meditation: Ten Percent Happier (all “Coronavirus Sanity Guide” resources and meditations are free)
All Workouts: Peloton (extended 90-day free trial, no equipment needed)
Just for Fun
Lots of fun ideas from our friends at the Denver Post. It’s a good reminder that even the mundane might not be so mundane after all.
94+ Things You Can Do at Home Anytime (and often for free).
For the Kids
Scholastic free programming for 20-day learning journeys, K-12.
Explore.org provides live animal feeds from around the world.
Tips and tools from Backwoods Mama for raising kids outside. Great for any time!
100 things to do outside before you are 12. Many of these can be done close to home.
Literacy and math from Starfall, especially for little kids (prek – grade 2). And, ahem, run by a COBS alum!
Brain breaks for the kids from Stretch and Grow of the Rockies.
Here are the CDC’s tips for talking to your kids about Coronavirus.
And PBS’s tips for talking to kids about Coronavirus (and scroll down for links to videos and activities around hand washing and staying healthy).

What would you add to this list? Send us a note at [email protected].