
Make a Lasting Impact


Let your generosity live on. Become a part of our educational legacy. 

There are many ways to plan a legacy gift while also taking advantage of potential tax savings and maintaining flexibility if your circumstances change. Below are the most common vehicles you might consider: 

Legacy Giving Options


Adding a provision to your will or trust is a simple way to make a legacy gift. After taking care of loved ones, you can designate a percentage of your estate or a specific sum. A bequest may reduce estate tax. It also gives you flexibility. No other planned gift is as simple to make or as easy to modify as your life circumstances change. If you wish to add a gift to Colorado Outward Bound School in your existing will or trust, contact the attorney who drafted your estate plans and request a simple amendment or addendum. 

Beneficiary Designations 

Not everyone wants to commit to making a gift in their will or estate plan. Some people prefer the increased flexibility of a beneficiary designation through retirement plans, life insurance, or donor-advised funds. It is very simple to name Colorado Outward Bound School as a beneficiary.  

Start by requesting a change-of-beneficiary form from your policy administrator or download the form from your provider's website. Make your desired changes and return the form to establish your gift. 

Gifts Through Charitable Trusts 

If you have built a sizable estate, making a legacy gift through a Charitable Trust may allow you to give more than you thought possible. A Charitable Trust can help you make the most of your existing assets and resources, while also providing tangible financial benefits for you and your family – today and in the future. 

Next Steps 

1. Talk to us

We would welcome a conversation with you about how you can benefit Colorado Outward Bound School in your estate plans. Please contact the Development Team at [email protected].

2. Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor

Colorado Outward Bound School cannot provide legal, tax, or financial advice. We recommend you contact your attorneys or other professional advisors when considering changes to your estate plan. 

3. Use our legal name

If you include Colorado Outward Bound School in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID. 

Legal name: Colorado Outward Bound School 

Address: 1930 HWY 300 Leadville, CO 80461

Federal tax ID number: 84-0512779 

4. Keep us informed!

If you have already named Colorado Outward Bound School in your will or trust, please let us know so we can ensure that your gift is used according to your wishes. Information you share will be kept confidential and we respect any desire to remain anonymous. Please contact the Development Team at [email protected]Thank you! 

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